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Species checklist
This comprehensive checklist includes all the species reliably recorded in Eritrea. We have kept it as close as possible to the sequence used in the field guide that visiting birders are most likely to use: Redman, Stevenson and Fanshawe: Birds of the Horn of Africa (Christopher Helm, 2009), following the order and taxonomy given in the checklist at the back of the book. Status symbols used are taken from the ABC Checklist (© ABC and Bob Dowsett 2007). Our selection of species to include follows the official Eritrea checklist kept by John Ash and status information follows Ash and Atkins' Birds of Ethiopia and Eritrea (Christopher Helm, 2009). In the Comments column of the checklist, we have indicated where other authors might differ from the above references, regarding splits and lumps, as well as alternative names (Alt) and other points of interest. Many thanks to Nigel Redman, John Atkins, John Ash and John Caddick of ABC for their help in compiling this list.
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An Expanding Checklist
Eritrea is very underwatched. As a result the current checklist of over 570 species is still increasing. Any visiting birders should keep detailed records of species seen that may be new for the country, including photographic evidence. These records should be submitted to us and to John Ash, whose details can be found on the African Birding Club website, Eritrea page.
Additions to the Eritrea Checklist since 2007 are listed below:
Black-winged Pratincole
24 April 2017
Seen by Nigel Redman. See ABC Bulletin 25.1
Trumpeter Finch
July 2013
Colluli, Dankalia
Seen by Futsum Hagos, identified from photos by Nigel Redman. See ABC Bulletin 25.1
Red-footed Booby
18 June 2011
Red Sea between Massawa and Dahret
Seen by Giorgio Chiozzi. Ref: Chiozzi etl al. 2012. Additions to the avifauna of Eritrea and further records of rare species. ABC Bulletin 19.2 |
African Jacana
8 October 2006
Found by Dawit Semere, freshly dead. Presumed vagrant. Ref: Chiozzi etl al. 2012. Additions to the avifauna of Eritrea and further records of rare species. ABC Bulletin 19.2 |
Brown-throated Wattle-eye
1890 (museum specimen)
Collected in 1890 and originally misidentified. robably extinct now in Ghinda area, may still survive in Filfil. Ref: Chiozzi etl al. 2012. Additions to the avifauna of Eritrea and further records of rare species. ABC Bulletin 19.2 |
Montane Nightjar
25 February 2009
Adi Keih
Bird flushed, then photographed. Likely to be resident. Several previous records were unconfirmed.
Great Cormorant
03 February 2009
Mai Nefe
One bird photographed on reservoir. Probable vagrant.
Grasshopper Warbler
26 January 2009
Filfil Sabur
One bird photographed. Probably vagrant or winter visitor.
Caspian Gull
24 January 2009
Dahlak Islands
One bird photographed by Giuseppe De Marchi, subsequently confirmed as Caspian, subspecies barabensis (Steppe Gull).
Maccoa Duck
25 April 2008
Adi Keih
Regular on reservoirs, but only officially recorded in 2008. Likely to have recently expanded its range north from Ethiopia into Eritrea.
Cape Eagle Owl
01 April 2008
Adi Keih
A single injured adult bird was recorded and photographed. Likely to be a resident, if uncommon species.
Somali Courser
06 March 2008
Adi Keih
A single bird at Mealawia (2500m), near Adi Keih. Presumed vagrant. Another unsubmitted record of four birds from the Foro area, nearby at sea level by Harte and Berhane* suggests that this species may be resident in the coastal lowlands.
African Olive Pigeon
26 January 2008
Filfil Medhanit
Recorded at Filfil, and more recently photographed at Karibossa, Adi Keih. Likely to be resident, extending the species' previously known distribution range north significantly.
Mountain Wagtail
21 October 2007
Adi Keih
A party of three birds recorded and photographed, including one juvenile. May be breeding in Eritrea. Extends the species' previously known distribution range north significantly.
Familiar Chat
12 October 2007
Recorded twice near Safira. Likely to be resident.
*Kenneth J. Harte and Dawit Berhane; Trip List to Eritrea, December 2004, unpublished.