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Steve Evans, a wildlife cameraman has made a stunning film called Birdwatching in Sardinia and Corsica, with excellent footage of many of the target species. You can find it on his website below:

Go snorkelling, canoeing, or visit the turtle rescue centre at Laguna di Nora, only 20 miles from Cagliari:  

A website for birdwatchers who want to visit Eritrea. I created this when I was living there from 2007-2009:

Birdwatching in Eritrea


To visit the websites of publications and resources I have written for teachers of English as a foreign language:

Teamwork         Role Plays for Today        Pronunciation Learning Cards


Progetto Biodiversita

An excellent Italian website dedicated to promoting greater understanding of the environment through education, sharing of ideas and fun:


Progetto Biodiversita

Per avvicinare le persone di tutte le età alla conoscenza della biodiversità attraverso esperienze piacevoli ed ecocompatibili.
Per conservare la biodiversità con passione e cura, con semplici ma importanti gesti quotidiani. Per conoscere meglio l’umanità, le sue culture: